Gypsum Facts

Gypsum is a main ingredient in plaster of Paris which is used to make casts and sculptures Benjamin Franklin introduced the mining of gypsum to the US Gypsum was used by the ancient Greeks Romans and Egyptians

Gypsum Wikipedia for Schools

Because the gypsum from the quarries of the Montmartre district of Paris has long furnished burnt gypsum used for various purposes this material has been called Uses of gypsum Gypsum is used in a wide variety of

gypsum David Darling

The largest gypsum crystals ever discovered of the variety called selenite with lengths over 11 meters have been found in Mexico s Cueva de los Cristales Cave of Crystals Research suggests they achieved their

Drywall Recycling Home

Gypsum drywall often referred to as gypsum wallboard or sheet rock replaced gypsum plaster as the major material used for interior wall surfaces because of its ease of installation Gypsum drywall consists of approximately

Meningie Gypsum using gypsum

In crops such as lupins and canola gypsum is applied to provide the sulfur content that aids the setting of flowers Lower applications of gypsum are sufficient for this purpose perhaps tonnes to tonne per hectare